Recruitment: UK Playwork NOS review

Following the announcement of review of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for playwork, UK Playwork NOS Consortium seeks volunteers

The UK Playwork NOS Consortium is seeking individuals with a range of skills and knowledge in playwork, qualifications or standards development to be involved in the review of the National Occupational Standards for Playwork.

The consortium is recruiting voluntary members for the NOS Writing Group and Expert Reference Groups. The positions are unpaid, so applicants are asked to consider the time commitment carefully. 

The UK Playwork NOS Consortium comprises Play England, Play Wales, Play Scotland, PlayBoard Northern Ireland, and the Playwork Foundation. The consortium was established to plan strategically across the four nations for the future of workforce development and sector skills initiatives, including this review of the NOS.

To find out more about the playwork NOS review process, please see the NOS Information Sheet (June 2024)

How to apply

If you are interested in being part of the writing or the reference group, please review the documents below and send an email explaining how you meet the desirable attributes, skills and knowledge in the person specification below, along with an accompanying CV.

The closing date for submitting applications is 31 July 2024.

NOS Writing Group Person Specification

NOS Expert Reference Group Person Specification




2024/25 Review of the National Occupational Standards for Playwork (NOS)