Raising the Nation: Play Commission – Call for evidence

The Play Commission is gathering evidence and expertise to inform the policy recommendations that will make in their final report. They are calling for organisations and individuals with professional expertise or lived experience to share their knowledge and views by submitting evidence to the commission. 

The key areas the commission are examining are explained in more detail here, broadly they are asking for submissions around the following questions: 

  • How do we boost learning through play? 

  • How do we expand places and environments where children can play?

  • How can we use children’s right to play to ensure national and local government support children’s play?

  • How do we provide children and families with more time to play?

  • How do we harness technology and the digital world to boost children’s play?

  • How do we encourage parents to play with their children and to encourage their children to play in the offline world? 

The call for evidence closes on 31st October 2024.

If you would like to make a submission, please send a word document setting out your evidence and recommendations to info@centreforyounglives.org.uk. Please use the email subject title ‘Call for Evidence – Play Commission submission'. 


The launch of PlayNation magazine!


Consultation Response - Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)