Play England manifesto win: Securing NPPF Protection for Formal Play Spaces

We are delighted to announce another small but very significant win for Play England's manifesto. The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), was published today with various changes, including a key amendment: the protection of ‘formal play spaces.’ This marks a crucial step forward in our mission to ensure children and young people have access to high-quality, inclusive and accessible play environments.

The Change

The amendment appears under Section 8: Promoting Healthy and Safe Communities, specifically in Paragraph 104 (formerly Paragraph 103 in the December 2023 NPPF). This revision underscores the Government’s growing recognition of the importance of protecting, enhancing and providing spaces to play.

The change from the 2023 NPPF to the 2024 NPPF.

Context and Impact

Sport England, as a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting playing fields, plays a vital role in protecting sports and recreational spaces (particularly in Paragraphs 103-107 of the NPPF). Their Playing Fields Policy and Guidance document aligns with the NPPF's commitment to preserving these facilities, including processes for assessing replacement provisions - which now includes ‘formal play spaces’ as part of the updated policy framework.

This development signifies that Sport England may also take responsibility for protecting formal play spaces in their statutory consultee role. This aligns with Play England’s manifesto call to:

“Work with Sport England (in their role as statutory consultee on planning applications via the NPPF) to ensure that play sufficiency, facilities, places, and spaces are covered within the P12 Planning for Sport principles, split into four categories: overarching, protect, enhance, and provide, as well as more broadly across their sector guidance documents.”

A Step Toward Play Sufficiency Legislation

This change is a pivotal moment, paving the way for introducing play sufficiency legislation in 2025 as part of the Planning and Infrastructure Bill.

However, much work remains. Key questions about how this protection will be operationalised, and brought into meaningful practice under a single framework for England—underpinned by the NPPF—still need addressing. Clear guidance will be critical to ensuring meaningful, enforceable protections.

Our Commitment

Play England stands ready to support the Government (and/or Sport England) in this endeavour. Our significant technical knowledge and subject matter expertise will be crucial in developing and implementing effective strategies for protecting formal play spaces. Collaboration will be essential to make these policies actionable, meaningful and impactful.

Building on Success

This is the latest in a series of manifesto wins for Play England, following our successful campaign for smoke-free playgrounds. Throughout 2024, we have engaged in extensive lobbying and advocacy, including submitting letters, evidence and consultation responses to the Government. These efforts have contributed to today’s achievement and set the stage for further progress in 2025.

Looking Ahead

As we move into 2025, the future of play and Play England looks brighter than ever.

We will continue our tireless work advocating for a child-friendly England, ensuring all children and young people have the freedom, time, space, opportunity, and permission to play. Together, we can create a nation where the right to play is recognised, supported, and meaningfully implemented.


Parliamentary Debate: Provision of playgrounds by local authorities


Update: Playwork NOS Review