International Day of Play - 11 June 2024

The first universally-recognised International Day of Play is taking place on 11 June

International Day of Play will be a celebration of ‘the power of play’ – but also a time for some critical thinking about how the future of play access and provision.

The adoption of a U.N. resolution for a day centred around play, says the organisation, ‘creates a unifying moment at the global, national, and local levels to elevate the importance of play as central to children’s learning and wellbeing – ensuring time to play, space to play and support for quality play is prioritised’.

The resolution itself recognises ‘the role of play in building essential and transferable physical, social, cognitive, communication and emotional life skills at all ages, and its positive impact on promoting tolerance and resilience and facilitating social inclusion, conflict prevention and peacebuilding’.

This is why Play England are calling on the next Government to introduce Play Sufficiency legislation in England.


2024/25 Review of the National Occupational Standards for Playwork (NOS)


Independent Governance Review